Inside The Edge Blackjack

Posted : admin On 4/6/2022

Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure (2019) 72 min Documentary The documentary film, 'Inside The Edge' is an unprecedented glimpse into the world of elite blackjack players as they take on casinos for millions. The result is a new documentary, “Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure,” which will be released May 21 on streaming sites such as iTunes and Amazon Prime. “It was a thrill ride,” said Buddy, recalling some tense and hostile moments when KC was ejected for card-counting by casino security who figured out what he was up to. Inside The Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure is a documentary helmed by Chris Buddy. The online series features Max Rubin, John Chang, Richard Munchkin in the lead roles. The documentary film, “Inside The Edge” shows the glimpse into the world of professional blackjack players as they take on casinos for millions.

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Inside the edge blackjack documentary

31 members have voted

I just listened to the GWAE episode with KC and Chris about this movie. Very good interview and I’m looking forward to watching the movie.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — Amarillo Slim Preston
KC lost a lot in the upper midwest, makes me think the shuffle is terrible there.

KC lost a lot in the upper midwest, makes me think the shuffle is terrible there.

That was a little on the high side but normal variance for the stakes he was betting. He also had better than average positive variance early. Just the nature of pushing a small edge hard with a wide range of bets.
I saw the movie about a few months ago and it was really great. Maybe I'll look at it again :D

I saw the movie about a few months ago and it was really great. Maybe I'll look at it again :D

I think I am one of the few who didn't enjoy it.
Living longer does not always infer +EV

Inside The Edge Blackjack Documentary Star

Ok, so I know I am late to the party here, but I wasn't on this forum last year when this was discussed and only fairly recently got around to watching this documentary.
I haven't seen a documentary or movie on blackjack that I liked and thought was realistic until Inside the edge. I call what KC did, the 'slash and burn' style of play. It came about in the early.mid 2000;s when new casinos and jurisdiction were exploding's here in the US. The idea was to play super aggressively at higher stakes until you are told 'no more'. Then just move on to the next place, the idea being there are just too many locations.
KC clearly demonstrated the problem with this approach. Technology and the databases working against you. Your history of heat, backoffs, barrings arrives at the new destination before you do, as evident by a number of very quick backoffs and 86ings (within minutes). One place, I forget where, he didn't even get in the front door. lol
In addition, this film/documentary show just what the variance of advantage blackjack play can be like. KC hit 600k, about a third of the way through his year on the road, only to lose 50%, 300k back fairly quickly. He then spent months and months recouping most of that 300k loss. I think one of the most important statements he made was that anyone who plays this game for a living and has done so for awhile, will encounter months long losing periods. Amen to that!
The final thing that was important about this film was it clearly showed just how sleazy casinos and the casino industry can be. The intimidating and rough backoffs and barrings when there is no need for that. The lying at numerous locations stating how it the law says a player has to show ID. AS Mr. Nersesian said, no where is that the law, except maybe Indian Casinos where they make their own laws. One pit woman emphatically told KC 'not to argue with her, she knows the law. it is her job'.
And several places refusing to cash chips which is flat out illegal, forcing KC to go to gaming for help. I can only hope when gaming showed up to help get the chips that a fine went along with that, but I doubt that occurred.
In conclusion, This film shows exactly why I don't think 'slash and burn' is a valid strategy. I mean if you are just out to get what you can for 3-6 month....maybe. But anyone interested in any kind of longevity, needs to figure how to keep your play in the 'tolerated' zone.
Kudos to KC for a realistic look at 'Slash and burn' blackjack. Congrats to Mike on his appearances.

I thought Inside the edge was an incredible documentary and I shared most of the same conclusions as you, and it definitely shows the level of sleaziness of these Casino's! It's funny though, I personally got the opposite view in that the documentary sort of reinforced my opinion that the 'slash and burn' style can work, but obviously not easy and may not be the road you want to take. But I no longer think of conservative vs aggressive card counting styles as either better or worse than one another, I think it's really just a matter of what makes more sense for the individual player. When I started out I had no intention of being super aggressive, it just sort of happened. At first I wanted to use smaller spreads, avoid certain plays, because I didnt want to deal with frequent backoffs. Then as I started running simulations and understanding more about the game I realized that for me, the only way it could possibly work financially was for me to be incredibly aggressive. That's mostly because I dont live near many good games, my wife and I both love where we live and would not want to relocate. I basically settled on the slash and burn playing style by process of elimination, simply no other way for me to make it work. But for players that live in a certain area it absolutely makes more sense to play on the safe side and not burn out your welcome. Ultimately I think both methods work, I think it's just a matter of what works best for your current situation.
By the way Kewlj, have you been to many Casino's in the Vegas area lately? If so, would you care to give an update on the current conditions? I apologize if you have already done so on another thread and I missed it (if so please direct me to the thread).
I've seen this movie & Shackleford has a part in it! The movie was kinda boring for me only because it didn't break any new ground in card counting. I felt like I had learned nothing in the hour & half of watching it :/

By the way Kewlj, have you been to many Casino's in the Vegas area lately? If so, would you care to give an update on the current conditions? I apologize if you have already done so on another thread and I missed it (if so please direct me to the thread).

Funny you should ask. I stopped playing blackjack, I thought for the year, late in October because covid cases were rising and in my opinion, casinos and in particular tables games are one of the more riskier situations, especially for someone like me that is at greater risk.
So like I said, I 'thought' I was done for the year, but this morning I was in a casino to pick up some free play on machines, and I had a $50 match play and there were no players playing the $25 double deck game, which at this location has nice penetration, so I sat down and ended up staying about 20 minutes and won $2900. Not a particularly big win, but it increased my blackjack win for the year by 35%. That should tell you just how bad a year I have had!! I was actually in the red until early October. So having cracked the 5 figure mark (lol), 2020 is no longer my worst year results wise for my career for blackjack. It is however my worst year in the last 14, years since way back when I was playing much lower limits. I can't wait for this freaking year to be over on so many levels!

Blackjack Documentary

So in answer to your question, I am really not up on the current conditions, not having played in almost 6 weeks until today for just a few minutes. Just at a casual glance it SEEMS like there are a lot of empty blackjack tables when I visit casinos to pick up free play, which I am still doing. But, a lot of those visits are during early morning slower hours, intentionally, so I really can't offer much on current conditions.

Inside The Edge Blackjack Rotten Tomatoes


Funny you should ask. I stopped playing blackjack, I thought for the year, late in October because covid cases were rising and in my opinion, casinos and in particular tables games are one of the more riskier situations, especially for someone like me that is at greater risk.
So like I said, I 'thought' I was done for the year, but this morning I was in a casino to pick up some free play on machines, and I had a $50 match play and there were no players playing the $25 double deck game, which at this location has nice penetration, so I sat down and ended up staying about 20 minutes and won $2900. Not a particularly big win, but it increased my blackjack win for the year by 35%. That should tell you just how bad a year I have had!! I was actually in the red until early October. So having cracked the 5 figure mark (lol), 2020 is no longer my worst year results wise for my career for blackjack. It is however my worst year in the last 14, years since way back when I was playing much lower limits. I can't wait for this freaking year to be over on so many levels!
So in answer to your question, I am really not up on the current conditions, not having played in almost 6 weeks until today for just a few minutes. Just at a casual glance it SEEMS like there are a lot of empty blackjack tables when I visit casinos to pick up free play, which I am still doing. But, a lot of those visits are during early morning slower hours, intentionally, so I really can't offer much on current conditions.

Inside The Edge Movie

Thanks for the info Kewlj! I thought for sure that January would be a proper time for me to resume my BJ career and get back to traveling but at this point I'm no more certain about it then I was 6 months ago. Glad to hear you logged a win though, even if it's a small one. Who knows..could be the start of an epic comeback!
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